by ftwadmin | Apr 16, 2016 | Latest News
Award winning singer-songwriter Reg Meuross is bringing his beautiful new album ‘December’ to Priston on Saturday April 30th, drawing attention to and raising funds for the lovely annual music festival of which he is the Patron. “Sounds like a forgotten,...
by ftwadmin | Feb 17, 2016 | Latest News
Just saw this comment on Reg Meuross’ England Green & England Grey video: ‘Usually nationalistic songs are crass, primitive and offensive, but Reg conveys without jingoism, celebrating the best but acknowledging weaknesses. A rare talent.’...
by ftwadmin | Jan 17, 2016 | Latest News
So interesting and inspiring to hear Charlie Dore chat with Mark Carter on BBC Radio Surrey/Sussex about how her career as an actor changed direction when she was signed by Island Records, and how her music evolved from being ‘so country I wouldn’t even...
by ftwadmin | Jan 4, 2016 | Latest News
Weds 27 Jan – a rare chance to see this multi award winning songwriter solo TICKETS £10–the-boileroom/ Charlie Dore returns with a rare solo show that spotlights personal favourites from...
by ftwadmin | Oct 1, 2015 | Latest News
“Shoreline and the Sea is a song of sorrow, longing and regret by the excellent English songwriter, Reg Meuross. The plangent lyrics draw the parallels between the cycle of the tides and the mutability of love and the cadences and dying fall of the melody suit...