by ftwadmin | Feb 13, 2016 | Latest News
FOUR sell out gigs almost in a row from four artists who will never ‘sell out’ in terms of integrity. Jess Vincent at BradfordRoots had to stop playing while more chairs were brought into the venue; Tony Hazzard packed out GreenNote on Wednesday, A full...
by ftwadmin | Feb 4, 2016 | Latest News
Marie Lennon is piloting the airwaves of BBC Radio Wiltshire this afternoon and Charlie Dore & Julian Littman will be joining her and playing a couple of songs from their current tour (includes Village Pump Fri 5 Feb) Tune in after 3pm...
by ftwadmin | Jan 17, 2016 | Latest News
So interesting and inspiring to hear Charlie Dore chat with Mark Carter on BBC Radio Surrey/Sussex about how her career as an actor changed direction when she was signed by Island Records, and how her music evolved from being ‘so country I wouldn’t even...
by ftwadmin | Jan 4, 2016 | Latest News
Weds 27 Jan – a rare chance to see this multi award winning songwriter solo TICKETS £10–the-boileroom/ Charlie Dore returns with a rare solo show that spotlights personal favourites from...
by ftwadmin | Oct 8, 2015 | Latest News
Just add milk.. and music! The Milk Roulettes community choir ‘pops up’ to be Charlie Dore’s backing vocalists in Totnes Devon. South Devon Arts Centre Friday 16th Doors 7.30pm Tickets £10 advance £12 on the door from 0844 888 0435 TIC Totnes or...