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Chris Cleverley – Returning To New Album’s Birthplace In Totnes
On the 8th of November, Chris Cleverley starts his UK tour supporting the release of his fourth album 'Broadcast The Secret Verse' taking to the stage in venues across England and Scotland. And although he’ll be traveling as far as Glasgow, Hull, Colchester, and...
Stolen From God – Reg Meuross song cycle preview gigs for Black History Month 2022
Slave Trade Stolen From God Project Announces Short UK Tour in Bristol, London and Manchester
400 years of Stourbridge glass works: Voices From The Cones
From the huge Glassworks production line and cone-shaped furnaces of the past to the reflections on bespoke pieces created in more recent times, Dan Whitehouse's work celebrates the largely untold stories of Stourbridge's master craftsmen/craftswomen and their...
Stolen From God – Legendary Troubadour Launches IndieGoGo For Slave Trade Music Project
SUPPORT THE PROJECT HERE Reg Meuross, Jali Fily Cissokho, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne and Jaz Gayle For the last four years, uncovering the stories of the Atlantic slave trade across the South West of England has been the mission of Somerset-based songwriter, Reg...
The Tide – a new video from The Glass Age – Dan Whitehouse
"Communication via glass (screens) allows creative connections to fuse and barriers to drop. You can connect with people from any discipline, any area of life, all across the globe. But there are days when it just doesn’t feel ‘enough’. "We are but water" and we need...
The Tears of Jenny Greenteeth – new folk ballet
The Tears of Jenny Greenteeth A New folk ballet presented by Deborah Norris’s Ballet Folk and the music/spoken word trio Words of a Fiddlers Daughter will premiere this Summer. JULY 29 CAMBRIDGE FOLK FESTIVAL INFO AND TICKETS AUGUST 10 SUMMER BY THE RIVER INFO AND...