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Ryan Keen live at the Ariel Centre Totnes 28 December! #RyanComesHom

Singer-songwriter Ryan Keen, a former KEVICC student, is coming home for this heartfelt concert in the Ariel Centre #Totnes to celebrate the life of his old school pal, Luke Chadwick who was also a passionate musician and gifted drummer, and to raise money for local...

Jess Vincent spreads a little love this Christmas LOVE ME TRUE

The heartwarming song Love Me True written by Wiltshire singer songwriter Jess Vincent from her new album SHINE, will be released as a single tomorrow. Love Me True is a love song, written from the heart. Its a song asking simply to be loved entirely, without...

No Moths on the Panic Brothers – Moth Club Hackney Sat Dec 5

30 years on from the heyday of the high energy, fast paced close-harmony singing duo Panic Brothers, Reg Meuross and Rich Morton continue to celebrate their reunion. Sat Dec 5th at the Moth Club Hackney TICKETS After taking the...