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Nurse – Angel In A Blue Dress by Reg Meuross

Over 20 hospitals in the UK declared a state of emergency last week. Some A&E departments have had to close their doors for extended periods leaving patients waiting in ambulances outside and on trolleys in corridors inside, sometimes for many hours. The British Red...

Two new albums from Reg Meuross in 2017

Reg Meuross is currently recording some of his beautiful vocals with Stockfisch Records in Germany. Gunter Pauler, who founded the independent audiophile orientated music label Stockfisch in 1974 'spotted' Reg when he heard 'England Green & England Grey' and...

Reg Meuross on BBC Radio 2 Folk Show

Listen again here to BBC Radio 2's Christmas Folk Show which featured CHRISTMAS SONG by Reg Meuross, described by Mark Radcliffe as "a sensitive, socially aware songwriter, much admired on the scene for many years.” The whole show makes for lovely listening. Reg is on...