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Tom Robinson plays Collateral on #AfterHour BBC Radio 6

Tom Robinson plays Collateral on #AfterHour BBC Radio 6

"Lovely to hear from Charlie Dore" says Tom Robinson on BBC Radio 6 Music - After Hour on 30th May. Tom chose Track 1 -  'Collateral' from Charlie's new album Like Animals (out 19th June) For the power-hungry, anyone and anything who gets in their way is seen...

New Album preview video - Like Animals by Charlie DoreA taster of four songs from Charlie Dore's new release 'Like Animals' (out 19th June), sewn through with her trademark dark wit, lyricism, and distinctive melodic voice. In this, her 10th album, the legendary...

New video release – Anachie Gordon – The Haar

New video release – Anachie Gordon – The Haar

The Haar, Folk Radio UK's current Artists of the Month, is a brand new quartet, focused on breathing new life into traditional songs about love, poverty and oppression. Fiddler Adam Summerhayes and bodhrán player Cormac Byrne had already worked together recording...

SHINE ON – new single Reg Meuross

SHINE ON – new single Reg Meuross

Reg Meuross - SHINE ON As the news reels and press conferences continue to bring us terrible stories from across the world, one glimmer of hope that shines on is that, as society changes, community remains. From the singing balconies of Italy, to the claps, pots and...